07814 292031
Private Tutoring for pre-school to Year 7
I am sure you are as relieved as I am to hear that the 12 boys and their football coach, trapped in a cave in Thailand, are safe and well. Read more by clicking on the link below:
Was the stress worth it? This year's Sats results are up on last year. In 2016 Sats in English and maths were made harder yet the number of children reaching the expected standard has risen. Read more by clicking on the link below:
A government study looked at whether it was beneficial to delay a summer -born child's entry into the reception class. Read more by clicking on the link below.
Your child's first lesson will be free of charge throughout the month of June 2018.
I look forward to hearing from you.
With 45,500 children in Britain today being home educated Ministers are feeling the need to keep a check on these children to ensure all children get, as Lord Agnew stated, a "suitable and safe education."
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