07814 292031
Private Tutoring for pre-school to Year 7
This October you can have your child's first lesson for half price.
I do hope it is good to be starting school or to be back to school and every child out there has had a great first week.
The Dof E is calling for parents to support their children's language and literacy skills from an early age. To read more click on the link below:
If you have a child who is waiting for results day, here is all you need to know for the day. Read more by clicking on the link:
All this hot weather has turned half my flock broody. A lovely stuffy nest box must be the ideal place to sit and hatch a clutch of eggs! Have you ever tried to lift a broody hen out of her nest box to then place her outside where hopefully the fresh air will get her out of being broody? She sits in the same position on the ground for a while and then scuttles back to her cosy box. I've even tried closing the hen house door so she can't get back in but she just sits tight somewhere cosy till I let her back in at bed time. I've been battling with two...