07814 292031
Private Tutoring for pre-school to Year 7
For children in yr 6 and yr 2 end of summer Sats testing is on the horizon. A boost now would make a big difference to results and set your child on the right path for moving on. I already have a lot of children on the way to great results with just an hour a week extra learning.
Wishing you all a very happy New Year and I hope you are all looking forward to an exciting new term.
Enjoy your first lesson half price this December.
I have a 100% pass record for all the children I have helped sit entrance tests to gain entry to the secondary school of their choice -with many of them being awarded a scholarship. Contact me if your child needs some support, either to develop their confidence or simply making sure they have covered, and are competent in, everything they need to know.
Have fun on hallowe'en and create a pumpkin face to remember!
Look at these images by clicking on: