07814 292031
Private Tutoring for pre-school to Year 7
Are our children more unhappy than we were? Read what The Independent has to say on the subject by clicking on the link below:
The number of children that are home schooled has increased substantially over the years as more and more stress is put upon children to achieve. I teach quite a number of children in their own homes and they are happy, achieving individuals who are living life to the full. Please contact me if you are considering a home tutor and need some advice or reasurrance.
A new term, a new school year. Does your child need a boost in confidence to ensure the transition to a new year is smooth, exciting and successful? Perhaps your child is a little bored and needs to be stretched and challenged? I am here to help.
Its that time again. Stuffy nest boxes and long daylight hours are sending my hens broody again. The problem is they fill up the nest boxes and so other hens start to lay away.
The key is to shut them out during the day and they soon 'cool off' and start to wander around once more with the rest of the flock.
Sports days and end of term plays are in full swing and it seems the sun has decided to shine. Enjoy the last few weeks of term before the summer break.