07814 292031
Private Tutoring for pre-school to Year 7
Caroline is loved by my 2 children who are taught by her every week. She is extremely kind and knowledgeable and a really lovely person. Caroline teaches in a way that is so engaging and enjoyable that the children just 'get it'. How we managed before we met this amazing lady. Maths and English were a struggle and confidence was low. I have recommended Caroline to four other families and they have all said the same. I would hightly recommend Caroline to anyone. An incredible teacher.
Sue from Richmond
There are more and more children requiring SEN places and there are just not enough schools to accomodate these children. Parents are feeling distressed watching their children become more and more unhappy in mainstream schools. If you wish to read more click on the link below:
Monday 10th June will be the phonics screening week for key stage 1 children. Click on either of the links below for information for parents:
The Year 6 sats will take place over 4 days in the week beginning May 13th 2024 Check out the government website for more details: